Over here at Lakeshore Beverage, we’re into beer. And now that the holiday season is in full swing, there are more than a few opportunities to share a beer with friends. So whether you’re going to your fifth ugly Christmas sweater party or just hanging out in front of the fireplace, here are four beers we recommend trying this holiday season.
Shiner Holiday Cheer
The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is by singing loudly with a Shiner Beer. OK, so that’s not exactly how the phrase goes, but you get it. Shiner Holiday Cheer is a German-style Dunkelweizen (pronounced doon-kel-vite-zen) brewed with Texas peaches and roasted pecans for a smooth, delicious beer. Go ahead, bring a Shiner Holiday Cheer to your next caroling party this season.
Stella Artois
Stella Artois was first brewed as a special Christmas gift to the people of Leuven, Belgium where the brewery is located. The beer became so popular that it went into year-round production and we know it today as a staple around the world. A classic European Pilsner, Stella has a slight hop bitterness and easy drinkability that’s perfect for any holiday gathering. Above all, its classic green and red color scheme will go effortlessly with your Christmas decor.
Goose Island Parka Porter
New for this winter comes Goose Island’s Parka Porter. Porters are dark, roasty, and make excellent companions to fireside chats. Parka Porter utilizes chocolate and caramel malts in the brew, adding a touch of sweetness to the beer. Enjoy this seasonal beer with or without your parka.
Bell’s Winter White Ale
If you’re looking for something easy-drinking this holiday season, Bell’s Winter White Ale is a great option. This Belgian-inspired Wheat Ale is a nice entry into craft beer with a mixture of clove and fruity aromas. Often nicknamed, “Snowberon,” Winter White has some characteristics similar to its summer cousin, Bell’s Oberon.